11) Gita – Doing more around the house

Goal setting plan

1. What is my goal?
I need to do more around the house
Where am I at just now?
Date: 17 January
  • 0
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  • 10
3. My action list
By when?
Do the washing and drying up, the laundry, vacuuming and dusting
In 2 months
4. How am I doing?
Date: 14 March
  • 0
  • 1
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  • 10
5. What’s next on my list?
Wash and dry up ✔
Laundry ✔
Dusting ✔
Vacuum the stairs

My goal was to do more around the house. Now I’m managing to wash and dry the dishes and do my laundry, but the vacuuming is still a bit of a challenge. I can only do a bit at a time, and I need help to vacuum the stairs. Using the goal planner helped me feel like I’d achieved something.
