9) At the leisure centre

Meet Neil. Neil has had to overcome some problems following his stroke in order to get to the leisure centre.  Lets see how he has got on. Tap on the picture to find out what Neil’s advice is.

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I don’t always have time to go to the gym. It is important to make time to exercise, however this does not always mean you have to go to a gym. I try to include active things in my daily routine like walking the dog, or walking short distances instead of taking the car.

I feel so self-conscious. Comparing me to all those fit people in lycra made me feel very self conscious. The first time I just went for a look with a friend. I found out that most of the people were just like me trying to be more active. Having a buddy helps”.

I have health problems. I wanted to be more active but I was worried as I have a heart problem and what if I have another stroke. I spoke to my GP who reassured me that I was doing the right thing and that activity could actually prevent another stroke and help my heart condition.

Where to get started? I have never set foot in a sorts centre let alone a gym. I had no idea where to start so I looked up the local council website and looked at their leisure section and made a few enquirers. I found a local centre nearby.

I find gyms boring. Sometimes I find being in a gym is a bit boring especially in the nice weather. Getting exercise does not mean you have to be in a gym. I like gardening and going to the golf range. These are things I enjoy and it us all good exercise.

Something to think about

Do any of Neil’s barriers sound familiar to you? Why not try some of his suggestions.

Key point

Having someone to support you when doing things for the first time really helps.  Exercise should not be a chore find something you enjoy!

More information

Contact your GP to find out about exercise referral schemes in your area.
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