Asking for help can be difficult, but if it done early on it is likely you will get the right balance.
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Kelly: Oh, thank you (takes cup)
Jean: Just let me know if you need any help
Kelly: Oh thanks, I will do (reaches for sugar sachet)
Kelly: (tries to open sugar sachet)….actually, do you mind if you give me a wee hand opening my sugar it’s quite tricky doing it with one hand, I’m not quite there with the other one yet
Jean: Sure…
Jean: (Opens sugar sachet and adds it to Kelly’s tea)
Jean: There… you ok with the spoon
Kelly: yeah thanks
Jean: Now, how about a wee cake
Kelly: Need you ask….
Jean: (hands over plate of cakes)
Kelly: oh they all look lovely don’t they, I think I’ll go for that one, cheers. I’ve been looking forward to this, do you know this is the first time I’ve been out since I came home from hospital
Jean: Oh gosh
Kelly: Seems like forever, but I’m glad to be out and about again
Jean: It’s so nice to have you back
Kelly: Thanks. So what’s all the gossip, I feel like I’ve missed out on so much
Jean: Well, wait till I tell you this…
Kelly and Jean have at last found the right balance. We can see that getting it right can make a positive difference.
Lets go onto to see what we have learned from Kelly and Jeans experience.